Second Life is a"/>
Last updated on April 13th, 2015 at 02:30 pm
Although the Forest Software blog is normally a business related blog I am using this post to let you know about a charitable appeal.
If you visit our site often you may have seen our posting about whether Second Life is an opportunity for your business – this was written in 2007/8 and talks about how you can help your business by having a presence in this virtual world.
Today I was passed information about Project FUR Japan, a Second Life venture that is aiming to raise money to help the rescue and vet treatment of the animals that are lost, homeless and suffering after the recent earthquake and tsunami. The video below tugged on my heart strings and actually brought tears to my eyes.
As a pet owner I immediately wanted to do something to help raise awareness of this appeal, hence this blog posting.
Now then, I know that not many of you may have heard of Second Life (SL) and even fewer of you may have an account on there, but if you do can I ask you to support this charitable appeal (I have known one of the organisers online for some time now so I believe that it is all above board) by going to the event and buying virtual goods or dropping money into the donation jars that I am sure will be there.
If you are not a SL user then I would ask that you find think about donating some money directly to the charitable group mentioned in the official blog posting for the Project FUR Japan fund raiser (Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support (JEARS)) at this page :
Thank you for reading this blog post and thank you if your heartstrings have been tugged enough to donate money, no matter how much.
John Mitchell