Last updated on October 28th, 2024 at 04:22 pm
As a business owner of any size you are probably aware of the need to train your staff. Almost every business that the author has worked in has carried out some sort of training, even if it’s something as “simple” as how to enter items on a computer, what departments to use on a till for the different types of products, how to fill out the day to day forms that many businesses rely on and even fire training so that staff know how to use a fire extinguisher and what to do in the event of a fire.
Much of the “normal” day to day training is usually carried out by having an experienced member of staff sitting down next to the trainee and showing them what to do. The problem with this is that more often than not the person doing the training doesn’t understand how to train, they know how to do the job as they “have been doing it for years” and just follow the process without explaining – I’m sure you have seen or experienced this yourselves, it often goes something along the lines of : Continue reading