Last updated on August 20th, 2024 at 12:18 pm
Like many small businesses I’ve been watching the news recently about the cost of electricity going up and wondering how I can save money by reducing the amount of power that I use.
I considered using low energy bulbs like I have at home but to be honest I’ve never been very happy with the quality of the light that these bulbs give out, plus the fact that they seem to take a long while to warm up and after a while the amount of light seems to get less.
Doing a bit of research I wondered about other forms of lighting and came across LED light bulbs. These are unlike other forms of light bulbs in that they are “solid state” and give out light as soon as they are switched on at a reduced amount of power. I’ve used LED spotlights on my car and know that they give out a good amount of light so I thought I’d give them a try.
The only problem is that LED lightbulbs are relatively expensive (although they are rated for a long life). Continue reading
Last updated on April 13th, 2015 at 01:47 pm
As a fairly active Twitter user (@forestsoftware) I was interested to see the tweet below from @Gotham3, in fact it made me think enough that I retweeted it to my followers.
The reason I found this so interesting was that I see a lot of people who only use Twitter to broadcast about their services to the world with no thought of the people on the other end. If you use Twitter I am sure you know the kind of user that I mean – all you see is “We sell xxx” or “Looking for xxx, use us.” This kind of tweeter has either forgotten or never understood the idea of social media (the clue is in the name – it’s a case of being “social”). After a while all you give up reading their tweets and either unfollow the account or even block the account entirely.
On the other hand you also get people who tell you when they are having a coffee, Continue reading