Any small business with a website will no doubt have come across SEO experts who make several claims, in fact I even get emails from these people several times a week.
Before you spend your hard earned cash on an SEO service it’s worth bearing in mind the 6 points below, what ever you do if the “expert” matches two or more of the points below we would strongly suggest that you walk away.
It is important to note that all of these points are based on the Google guidelines that you may or may not have heard of and that can be read here.
Recently, I’ve seen several conversations in various marketing and SEO forums about bounce rates and what is a good or poor bounce rate so I thought I would put together a few thoughts about it as it relates to many small business websites.
What is bounce rate?
Technically, the bounce rate is the percentage of visitors that visit your site and leave the site without visiting any other page so, if you have 100 visitors with 20 of them landing on a page (any page) and then leaving the site without looking at another page you would have a 20% bounce rate. The visitor could be leaving your site in any one of several ways :-
What is a good bounce rate?
Choosing a name for your business is one of the most important things to consider when starting up. It’s probably one of the first decisions that you will have to make but you shouldn’t be rushed into a decision, it’s always best to do your research and plan thoroughly before choosing one.
You might expect that a company with a strong product, service, or niche idea would make a healthy profit. However, as many small business owners will tell you, it takes more than a good business idea to get across to customers that they should use your business instead of your competitors and the correct business name might make all the difference. Continue reading