FrontPage 2000 & 2002
One of the common web tools to create and manage your own web site is Front Page by Microsoft. You can use this program to publish your own web page. The web site we offer for hosting supports FrontPage 2000 ( and some but not all of the features of FrontPage 2002) and all you have to do is to upload the site's pages to your hosting site.
If you are new in creating web pages, this program is good for entry level web pages and experts can design more sophisticated quality web pages with the tools provided in FrontPage. Please note however that the features used by FrontPage needs additional server software to be installed on your hosting account.
Please note that since we do not use FrontPage at Forest Software we can not support clients using FrontPage. However here are some answers to the more common questions we receive.
Question | What address should I publish to with FrontPage? |
Answer |
If your domain name is already setup and working here, you should publish to this general URL: (or just
When publishing with FrontPage, the first time during each web development session, you will be prompted for a Username and Password in order to complete the publishing process.
If you are using our hosting please read the following instruction.
When you are ready to publish make sure the index has the extension html ( ie the name is index.html ). Do not change the index page name to anything. It must always be listed as index.html. FrontPage always lists it when developing your web site as index.htm. Thus you must change the extension. Next, when you press publication it will ask for the domain name. You should type in your domain name www. or http://www. Next when Front Page asks you type in your user name, enter Webmaster then enter the password that we have given to you. Your web site can then be up loaded to our server. | Question | What is my Front Page user name and password? | Answer |
Whenever you first create a domain you have to determine whether you are going to use Front Page or not publish your web pages. If you decide to publish with Front Page, then when you first create the domain, activate the Front Page extensions by checking the box in your control panel. The system will not confirm the creation of the new site that is going to be using Front Page extensions until you set a password for the user webmaster. Please write down the password and put it in a safe place. The password is the one you give it or was given to you. | Question | How do I publish my website using Front Page? | Answer | 1) Make sure Front Page extensions are activated for the domain by contacting us. 2) Make sure you use the user name of webmaster and whatever the password was given for the FrontPage webmaster. 3) While the Front Page extensions are active publish your web pages using HTTP and not FTP or you will change the permission and it will be published to a dictionary | Question | Do the Front Page extensions take any memory when enabled on a website or on a user folder on the website? | Answer | Yes, it takes approximately 2.1 MB of your available hosting space | Question | What do I do if I forget my webmaster password? | Answer |
You need to contact us and ask us to remove the Front Page extensions and then reactivate the Front Page extensions | Question | Can I publish to my web site with FrontPage as well as FTP or another publishing agent? | Answer |
If you choose FrontPage to publish your web site, stay with FrontPage, and the same goes for publishing via an FTP program. The general rule is "Stay consistent". You will have much less conflict and a faster operating web site.
If you use FTP on a site that FrontPage is also used on, the permission as well as the data in specific files within the web directory will be altered to suit that program's needs. This can very easily cause the FrontPage extensions to become corrupted and prevent any further publishing to the site via that program | Question | Can I use FTP to publish webpages built with FrontPage? | Answer |
No, If you try it you could end up deleting your web and losing the information you had stored. You would have to start over again. FrontPage is not compatible with third party FTP programs. Remember be consistent!! Please remember we are not experts in every facet of Front Page operations. Consult your FrontPage help menu or one of the many manuals or books on the market. | | |